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Tips SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Written By Blog Walker on Apr 30, 2010 | 4/30/2010

If you want your website was ranked the highest on Google, Yahoo, or other search engines, then you need to run the technical SEO (Search Engine Optimization). By implementing these SEO techniques, your blog or website not only was ranked highest in search engines, but your blog will also have many visitors.
Try entering the keyword "click here" on google, what sites come up? Download Acrobat Reader? Why? Yet in none of the page it says "click here". Why is that?

SEO techniques there are two types, namely ON and OFF PAGE PAGE.

ON PAGE SEO TECHNIQUES, means to make our web pages as possible in the eyes of search engines. That is by selecting an appropriate title, keyword adequate but not excessive, adding a link on a keyword, bold, italic, and so forth. Here are tips on technique ON PAGE:

1. Focus on your keywords, think for a moment about a person will enter any keyword in Google or Yahoo that's right for your website.
2. Use the title contains the keyword.
3. Use the keyword 5-10 times in the content of your writing.
4. Use the ALT (for links and images) contains your keyword.
5. Use BOLD and italic in your keywords.
6. Use the links on your keywords.
OFF PAGE SEO techniques, is a way to build links as much as possible to the direction of our blog. You can join link exchanges with friends, or put a link on myspace page, comments, guest book and so forth. The more links that lead to our website, then we will be more high PageRank. The higher the PageRank of a website means the more likely we are at the highest order of search engines.
You must also consider when making the Anchor Text link towards your website. Why Adobe's website is at the highest rank in google for the keyword "click here", because there are so many websites that link to the page with the words: Download Adobe Reader, click here. The word "click here" is called the anchor text because of the link. Try the links that lead to your website in accordance with your targeted keywords.
The following are things that are forbidden in the SEO (blackhat SEO), if you run this ban, then your website will be blacklisted search engines (not indexed):

1. Creating a doorway, which is a special page for search engines that are not useful for your site visitors.
2. Posted a link on your website that includes the category "bad neighborhood", ie sites that have been there-in-blacklist (including a link farm).
3. Following the program paid links.
4. Build links in a very large amount in a short time.
5. It contained exactly the same as other websites.
Current search engines getting smarter, make your website or blog weighty and useful to visitors, then your website will be frequently visited by people from all over the world.
Good luck.

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